Tessa Crowley is a lifestyle journalist and digital content editor at Tempus magazine, where she writes on all things luxury. She believes that time spent outdoors builds mental resilience, and her love for adventure has found her pushing her own limits – whether skiing cross country in the Arctic Circle’s frozen forests, kayaking the Finnish archipelago or running ultras on the coastal trails and mountains of the UK. When not enjoying the whisky and wilds of her maternal homeland Scotland, she can be found in the New Forest.

What does a journey mean to you?
For me a journey is about discovery and freedom. It’s the sense of opportunity and understanding that I love; every moment you’re on the cusp of something unknown. The best journeys always expand the way you see the world, and connect you with people or places in unimagined ways.

Which other country or location most inspires you?
I have an innate love for the ocean and the mountains. Gazing at unending ocean horizons or dwarfed by peaks is where I’m happiest and feel the most at home, even (or perhaps especially) when miles from anywhere with people I love.

Where would you go back to, and why?
The Arctic Circle. The peace and tranquility were unmatched, the beauty breathtaking and any ‘real world’ worries feel insignificant when you’re focused on the fundamentals of getting through each day. The sauna hidden in the depths of the National Park was also a welcome discovery at -30C!

Top insider tip for the UK?
It’s fun to experience somewhere new by foot, and running is a great hack to make the most of your time. It helps you get your bearings and gives you a quick sense of neighbourhoods, pubs, beaches or boutiques you might want to check out.

What journey would you most like to go on?
There’s a long list but currently the evocative sounding, if contrasting, Sunshine Coast Trail in British Columbia and Cape Wrath Trail in Scotland have captured my imagination. Though Bhutan, Peru, or a return trip to Italy would be welcome adventures, too!

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