Suze Olbrich is a London-based culture and lifestyle writer, and is editor of annual arts journal, Somesuch Stories. Prior bylines include the Guardian, AnOther, The Independent, Dazed, British Airways’ High Life and Mr Porter among others.

What does a journey mean to you?
Even today, upon setting off, I get that same tingly “what’s gonna happen?!” feeling I did when I was a kid. I guess it’s the promise of discovery – the unexpected. New sights, new people, new phrases, new sounds, new scents – and yes, new dishes are way up there, too.

Which other country or location most inspires you?
I’m a sucker for a horizon. It doesn’t matter if it’s staring down the Hudson, across the Austrian Alps, over the South Tyrrhenian Sea or along Louisiana bayou.

Where would you go back to, and why?
I’d love to return to Mexico. A few years ago, I travelled around CDMX and Oaxaca with too-brief stops at lush central spots such as Malinalco and Tepoztlán so I’m keen to visit both coasts. Would especially like to check out Guadalajara and the Baja region as well as Veracruz and the Yucatan.

Top insider tip for London?
People aren’t as unfriendly as reputed! Talk to them and ask where they’d go for the best [natural wine and small plates, fish and chips, coffee, pub roast if you must] in that area at that time. To be honest, though that’s pan-global advice.

What journey would you most like to go on?
Choices, choices… If I had to set off right now, I’d make for northern Africa. I’ve somehow never been to Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco or Egypt. And I’d love to rectify that as soon as possible.

View Suze’s portfolio here.

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