Miriam Gradel is an international multimedia journalist based between Copenhagen and London. Originally from Denmark, she now moves between cities and continents, dividing her time between news reporting, multimedia production and travel writing. Miriam has written about everything from design and innovation to travel and changing societies, always through the lens of solutions journalism. She hosts the HardwareX podcast, which tackles new and groundbreaking open-source hardware developments from the political and socioeconomic perspective.

What does a journey mean to you?
Rebirth. I travel with the intent to challenge my world perspective and arrive at a new understanding of my reality.

Which other country or location most inspires you?
There are still so many places to discover. I do have an irrevocable love for the sea as I grew up with it. Places where people share my deep connection with the ocean always leave a mark on me. The most recent one was Isole Delle Correnti, the edge of Europe, where the Mediterranean Ocean reconnects after wrapping itself around Sicily.

Where would you go back to, and why?
Japan, no doubt. I lived there for two years, yet there are so many places that I haven’t visited. From the Pacific islands that make up Okinawa to snow-covered mountains, Japan just has it all – and more!

What journey would you most like to go on?
I have always wanted to travel from Europe to Japan via land. Since interviewing a 70-year-old pensioner about her year-long journey from Sweden to Egypt and back by bike, I’ve become more convinced that this will happen on two wheels.

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