Michael Harden worked in restaurants and bars in various parts of the world for 15 years to support his writing and travel habits and now spends much of his time writing about eating, drinking and travelling. Based in Melbourne, he is a freelance author, food and travel writer, restaurant critic and editor, with his work published in Australia and internationally. He’s written 15 books, many of them food and drink-related, including a cultural history of the Melbourne hospitality scene, called Melbourne: The Making of an Eating and Drinking Capital. He is currently working on a novel set, not all that surprisingly, in the restaurant industry.

What does a journey mean to you?
It reminds me that life is also full of wonder and variety.

What other country or location most inspires you?
What day of the week is it? I have a reputation among my friends so that when I return from travelling they always ask: do you want to move there too? Mostly I do. The world is filled with inspiring places. I want to live in them all.

Where would you go back to and why?
Italy. For many reasons, but mostly Naples.

Top insider tip for Melbourne?
Talk to the locals – we’re very friendly and want you to ‘get’ Melbourne, so we’ll always steer you in the right direction.

What journey would you most like to go on?
To my shame and humiliation, I have not yet set foot on the continent of Africa but I have my eye on Ghana as my first stop, to check out whether Accra’s reputation as home to Africa’s best music and art scene is warranted.

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