Dannon Har is a native Singaporean and avid imbiber, digital journalist, and mixologist based in the city. Having spent over a decade writing at publications ranging from the national newspaper to edgy lifestyle magazines, he now specialises in writing about his one true passion – alcohol. He will travel far and wide to seek out interesting new sips to keep himself fuelled, and is always on the prowl to gain new insights into the stories behind each can of beer, glass of wine, or bottle of spirit. His passion has also driven him to become a self-taught mixologist, alcohol judge and educator, and hobbyist home brewer.

Which other country or location most inspires you?
Japan. It could be because the first flight I ever took was to this awe-inspiring place, but the magic never leaves no matter how many times I’ve been back.

Where would you go back to, and why?
Hokkaido, specifically the rural areas, where the perception of what life is meant to be completely changes. It will be a dream to live like a local for a season there.

Top insider tip for Singapore?
Be open to trying everything. Your new favourite food or drink might just be right around the corner.

What journey would you most like to go on?
A slow road trip in the Japanese countryside exploring secluded ryokans and sake breweries.

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