Amy Frearson is a journalist and editor specialising in architecture and design, and divides her time between Copenhagen and London. She is editor-at-large for Dezeen and a regular contributor to titles including Elle Decoration and the Financial Times. She is the co-author of All Together Now: The Co-living and Co-working Revolution, published by RIBA Books, and she edited the exhibition catalogue for The Garden of Privatised Delights, the British Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2021. She is also the founder of Curated Map Guides, a digital resource offering an expert overview of the biggest events in the design calendar.

What does a journey mean to you?
A chance to see, taste and experience as much as possible.

Which other country or location most inspires you?
Probably Norway. From the moment I arrive and hear my first “hi hi”, I can’t stop smiling. From jaw-dropping landscapes to some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met, it’s a really special place. And there’s nothing that makes you feel more alive than jumping from a floating sauna into the freezing sea in November.

Where would you go back to, and why?
Japan. A three-day trip to Tokyo has left me aching to go back and explore further.

Top insider tip for London?
If you round up enough friends, you can skip the long queues for brunch at Ozone. Tables of seven of more can book ahead.

Top insider tip for Copenhagen?
Don’t try and visit Andersen Bakery in the morning. Always go later in the day

What journey would you most like to go on?
I’m currently writing a book about 21st century houses around the world. I would love to take a trip to visit them all! Particularly the ones in South America – in Brazil, Chile, Peru and Colombia.

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